About Us

SPMA is a Mumbai based Architecture and Interior design firm established in the year 2019. Our mission is to provide design services that go beyond standard practice, to remain a firm acknowledged for client repose, and continue to excel as a company of dedication, transparency, quality  and service. We ensure that every project is taken care of with utmost personal attention. In residential and commercial design we focus on luxury, comfort, practicality and the client’s budget is given utmost importance with post-completion services.


Principal Architect

A creative professional with over 35+ years of experience in the field of Architecture, Interior Design and Project Management. He is an expert in creating comprehensive architectural and interior design complete with all plans, layouts, working drawing, construction details to ensure execution of projects within timelines and budgeted parameters. He is an expert at extracting production performance from his team. Suryaprakash Makharia established SPMA after working for over 30 years with other companies. He completed his B.ARCH from Academy of Architecture, Mumbai in 1988.


Principal Associate

A young professional with a degree in Architecture from IES, Mumbai. She specializes in commercial and residential interior design with many completed high-end projects under her belt. She has been active in the field for the last 8 years, since her graduation in 2016.

Surubhi Makharia

Surubhi is a young cheerful designer, with a degree in Interior Design from Rachana Sansad, Mumbai. She is known for creating spaces which blend functionality with aesthetics. She loves styling and is also an incredible artist, who believes that it has helped her relax and enjoy the process, rather than worrying about the outcome.
We love her chirpy nature and hard working spirit.


SURYAPRAKASH MAKHARIA( While working at previous firm)

    • Yes Bank
    • Raboo Bank
    • Art musings
    • Pawna house published in 50 best houses of India.
    • CIP Lounges(Airport), best airport lounge in the world for last couple of years.
  • Hexabet Casino
  • GA Lounge.

Surubhi Makharia

  • 1st runner up in Residential Category, Society Interiors Magazine (2016 – 2017)


Pamätám si, odmietol som dva mesiace blízko tvojho priateľa po zmene žiarovky v kúpeľni na chvenie. Mám tam dosť veľké zrkadlo a tu, keď som sa pozrel na intenzívne svetlo, bol som zdesený: čo je https://lekarenslovenska24.com/cialis-super-active-online-lekaren/ bledý, s celulitídou, akné – čudný šialenec! Všeobecne platí, že zatiaľ čo som nestratil váhu na 4 kilogramy a neprešiel som priebehom antilullulitnej masáže, nemohol som myslieť na žiadny pohlavie. (Masha, 26 rokov)

Τον Ιούνιο του 1993, ο John Wayne, ένας πρώην Husband Lauren Bobbit, επέστρεψε στο σπίτι το πρωί μεθυσμένος και τη βίασε. Σύμφωνα με τον Lauren, συμπεριφέρθηκε επιθετικά Ellada-Farmakeio δεν ήταν πλέον η πρώτη φορά που βίασε τη σύζυγό του σε κατάσταση εγγραφής. Αλλά εκείνη τη στιγμή η Λόρενα δεν μπορούσε να αντέξει: άρπαξε το μαχαίρι της κουζίνας και ένα μέλος του Wayne έκοψε με μια κίνηση ενώ κοιμάται. Στη συνέχεια, η γυναίκα έφυγε γρήγορα από το διαμέρισμα, ξεκινώντας το πέος από το παράθυρο του αυτοκινήτου.